University of Kashmir : 3rd Semester Notes PDF of Political Science Download Link Below
Q:-Development of Comparative Politics.
A: -The development of comparative politicscan broadly be studied in three phases:
The first phase of the growth of comparative politics can be traced to the days of
Aristotle, the Greek philosopher. He made an attempt to study political institutions as
these prevailed in those days and classified them into tyrannies, oligarchies and
Political scientists of this phase of development had however one primary aim,
namely, that of better understanding of the working of political institutions and
systems as these were operating in their times or operated in the past. They wanted
to collect sufficient basic data and material which could enable them to discover the
ideal type of institution. This they wanted to do, either with the method of
comparison or elimination. Credit is due to these political scientists since they laid
down foundations on which others could build sound super-structures.
In the second phase of comparative politics, an attempt was made to study in-depth
political institutions. The comparison‘s made were more rigorous and approaches in
the study of governmental institutions more realistic. During this period, Fridrich H.
Finer Wrote: The Theory and Practice of Modern Governments and Constitutional
Government and Politics. E.M Sait wrote Political Institution Preface. Their works
proved important and made useful contribution in the field of comparative analysis of structure‘s and functioning of the government. Other significant thinkers and writers of this period were Samue H. Beer, Hass, Bernad Ullam, and R.C Macridis. Beer and Ullam wrote in 1962 The Patterns of Government.