Man becomes millionaire overnight after meteorite hits his roof

A coffin maker Josua hutagalung, 33 is from Sumatra area of Indonesia, became a millionaire overnight after a meteor crashed through his roof.

He became astronomically richer after he recently sold the meteorite for over 1 million pounds (9.8 crores).. Hutagalung was working outside his home in August when the 2.1 kg space rock smashed through the tin roof of his veranda, reported NDTV on Thursday.

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“The sound was so loud that parts of the house were shaking too. And after I searched, I saw that the tin roof of the house had broken,” he told news outlet Kompas at the time. “When I lifted it, the stone was still warm  .Josua Hutagalung has now sold the rock to a specialist collector – Jared Collins of the USA.

Mr Collins has reportedly re-sold it to fellow collector Jay Piatek, who has stored it in liquid nitrogen at the Centre for Meteorite Studies at Arizona State University.

Hutagalung did not disclose the exact amount he was paid for the rare rock but he indicated that the amount was over 1 million pounds.

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