JKBOSE COBSE guidelines to prevent COVID-19 during examination

 JKBOSE COBSE guidelines to prevent COVID-19 during examination

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The World Hcalth Or6anizatiol has d*clared
COVID-I9 as a pandcmic anti Ih* .”trus has
now spread across the giobe. As per the present
information COVID-I9 is lrarsmitted through
direct contact with respiratory dropleis of an
i nfected pf r$o11, touchin g surfaces eontant insted
with thc virus etc. the COVID-I9 virus may
survive on mrfacgs for scveral hours, holever,
use ofdisinfectant ean kill it. Bec *use of this v irus,
examinations have bcen susp*nded thro*ghoul
the country and ebroad. Now it has bs*ome fiiore
important to makc elab*rat* arrangemcnts with
regards to prevention of Covid in any uctivity
whEre m+re people are likely !r assemble.
!{r:rldirrg the examinations *uccessfully dr-rring the
ti::re of COYID would bc a great rcsp<;nsibility on
the shor.:lders eif Centre Superiulend,-:nt antl lhe
Management r:rfthe sc.h*ois. Helct:, it is dssired
rhat b*th shouid work in tandenr arrd rnsure
{hat examinations are co*ductcri ilr ir hassle fue
CBSE has prepared detriled fiuidrrlin*s i’or tJrr:
safe conduct of Compalfinrnt Ex*rninations.
Th*se guidelin*s have been prepar*cl bas*d irrr
the Cuidelines issued by fir:vernment of h:diir.

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