Important for tomorrow’s kashmir University UG 3rd Semester paper all guess / important paper are here

Important for tomorrow’s kashmir University UG 3rd Semester paper all guess / important paper are here

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1.What was Dastak during British india?

2.what is meant by term resident ?

3.what was the immediate cause responsible for Revolt of 1857?

4.write a short note why extremists were different from


5.what was chauri chaura incident in non cooperation?

6.Define treaty of lahore?

7.Mention some important leaders of National Conference ?

8.what was Ashgal,Mandri and Nazarana during Dogra regime?

📙 Short Answer type Questions:

9.what were causes responsible for battle of buxar and what

gained british after this battle?


Explain the expasion policy under lord wellesly

10.Write a detailed note on Bharat Chod Andolan (Quit india movement)?


Role of Indian national congress during extremists phase in pre indepedence period?

11.Dogra Rule was an Autocratic,Sectarian,Despotic Explain?


Write down the main Articles/Provisions Mentioned under the treaty of Amritsar?

12.Explain how and why was Muslim Conference formed?


Write a detailed note on issue of accession?

📙Long answer type Questions:

14. the main causes and results of revolt of 1857?

15.Main causes responsible for partition of india?

16.What role was played after appointing a british Resident in kashmir?

17.Highlight those causes which led to the conversion of Muslim Conference into National Conference?


Tissue and its types
Simpletissue complx Tissue and its functions
Organization of root and shoot apical meristem
Histogen thoery
Tunica corpus thoery

Tissue and its types
Simpletissue complx Tissue and its functions
Organization of root and shoot apical meristem
Histogen thoery
Tunica corpus thoery

Important questions
1 cambium and its types.
Typically dicot root and stem
2.differ b/w dicot root and stem

Cork cambium, sapwood and heartwood , and itts structures

Adaptation, Adaptation of hydrophytes and xerophytes

Organisation of flowering plants

Peridrem porus and non porus wood

Protozolam metaxylem plant adaptation adaptation capital tapitam tapitam tapitam and its types of capital function is functions

Ovule structure and functions apomixis and its significance pollination its types difference between self pollination and cross pollination double fertilization

Urdu Literature

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