Monthly CA : Download PDF Current Affairs of January Month 2022 For JKSSB, KUET And Other Exams Check Here

Monthly CA : Download PDF Current Affairs of January Month 2022 Link Below

• Digital Divide: Lack of connectivity or inadequate digital skills can lead to the creation of a new divide between the
connected and digitized people, business and regions and those who remain disconnected and not-digitized.
• Vulnerable to misuse: Digitalization also bears the risk of deepening existing inequalities or being misused to
undermine democracies, spread dangerous misinformation and fuel discrimination, xenophobia and racism.
• Rising inequalities: Digital technology can also worsen economic and other inequalities. In 2019, close to 87 per cent
of individuals in developed countries used the Internet, compared with only 19 per cent in the least developed
• Privacy issue: Data-intensive technologies contribute to creating a digital environment to track, analyze, predict and
even manipulate people’s behavior to an unprecedented degree thereby posing significant risks for human dignity,
autonomy and privacy.
• Digitally facilitated repression: Authoritarian governments now have enhanced capacities to censor expression, block
or filter access to information, monitor online activity, and control populations than they did in the pre-digital world.
• Violation of human rights: Use of digital technologies to surveil or crack down on protesters can lead to human rights
violations, including infringement of the right to peaceful assembly.
• Lack of focus on Child rights: Policy approach to
children’s digital rights is frequently cautious and
reactionary, as many governments are limiting
children’s rights in the name of protection.
o Surveillance systems that monitor and direct which
websites children can access also give parents
overreaching control of their children’s devices.

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