Geography Part 1 Notes For Upcomming Kashmir University Entrance Exam And All JKSSB Exams Download PDF


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World Water Day –March 22

• Water on earth in liquid form came into existence in Hadean Eon (4,540 – 4,000 mya).

• DuringtheHadean Eon, temperatureonearthwasextremelyhot,andmuchof the Earthwasmolten.

• Volcanic outgassing created the primordial atmosphere which consisted of various gases along with water vapour.

• Over time, the Earth cooled, causing the formation of a solid crust.

• The water vapour condensedtoformrainandrainwater gradually filledthedepressions onthenewly solid- ified crust. 

• The water in the depressions merged to give rise to mighty oceans.

• During the Hadean Eon, the atmospheric pressure was 27 times greater than it is today and hence even at

a surface temperature of close to 200° C water remained liquid in the oceans.

• Over time, both temperature and atmospheric pressure dropped, and water continues to stay as liquid in the oceans

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