How to convert CGPA into percentage Check your total marks percentage Grage every thing Here

How to convert CGPA into percentage Check your total marks percentage Grage every thing Here

Note: Read the post till end it’s useful for 6th Semester students .

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6th Semester Result Related

PSNC: means Previous Semester Not Cleared.

| means (1st semester) || means (2nd sem) ||| means (3rd Sem.) |\/ means (4th sem)

\/: NA 5th sem ( Backlog). \/| ( sixth Sem)

|:- 1st sem 6.33 means percentage in 1st semester

Conversion of CGPA into Percentage

PSNC: means Previous Semester Not Cleared.

| means (1st semester) || means (2nd sem) ||| means (3rd Sem.) |\/ means (4th sem)

\/: NA 5th sem ( Backlog). \/| ( sixth Sem)

|:- 1st sem 6.33 means percentage in 1st semester

CGPA: means Commulative Grade point Average.
The Conversation of Grade Point into Percentage of Marks is Simply obtained by Multiplying the former by 10. For instance grade point average of 8.35 means a Percentage of 83.5

How to convert CGPA to Percentage?
To convert CGPA to percentage, multiply your CGPA by 9.5.

For example to convert your CGPA to a percentage, follow these short and simple steps:

Add grade points for all the subjects.

Divide the total grade points by the number of subjects.
You’ll get the CGPA.
Then multiply the CGPA by 9.5 to get the percentage equivalent

“CGPA To Percentage Conversion Table
Here’s what your percentage will be for the following relevant CGPA range;

CGPA Equivalent Percentage (%)
10 95%
9.9 94.05%
9.8 93.1%
9.7 92.15%
9.6 91.2%
9.5 90.25%
9.4 89.3%
9.3 88.35%
9.2 87.4%
9.1 86.45%
9 85.5%
8.9 84.55%
8.8 83.6%
8.7 82.65%
8.6 81.7%
8.5 80.75%
8.4 79.8%
8.3 78.85%
8.2 77.9%
8.1 76.95%
8 76%
7.9 75.05%
7.8 74.1%
7.7 73.15%
7.6 72.2%
7.5 71.25%
7.4 70.3%
7.3 69.35%
7.2 68.4%
7.1 67.45%
7 66.5%
6.9 65.55%
6.8 64.6%
6.7 63.65%
6.6 62.7%
6.5 61.75%
6.4 60.8%
6.3 59.85%
6.2 58.9%
6.1 57.95%
6 57%
5.9 56.05%
5.8 55.1%
5.7 54.15%
5.6 53.2%
5.5 52.25
5.4 51.3%
5.3 50.35%
5.2 49.4%
5.1 48.45%
5 47.5%
4.9 46.55%
4.8 45.6%
4.7 44.65%
4.6 43.7%
4.5 42.75%
4.4 41.8%
4.3 40.85%
4.2 39.9%
4.1 38.95%
4 38%”

“Here’s a data list of score range, Grade when you convert CGPA to percentage;

Marks Grade CGPA
91-100 A1 10.0
81-90 A2 9.0
71-80 B1 8.0
61-70 B2 7.0
51-60 C1 6.0
41-50 C2 5.0
33-40 D 4.0
21-32 E1 –
00-20 E2 -“

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