The Jammu and Kashmir Board Of School Education
JKBOSE Important notifications (Date sheets/ Results)
KASHMIR DIVISIONDocumentDownloadNotification regarding Tentative date for commencement of Practical Examination of Higher Secondary Part-II(Class 12th) Session Annual (Regular) Examination 2023ViewExtension Schedule for Inter School/ District/ Provincial Migration and Migration to JKBOSE from other Recognized Boards (through ONLINE mode) for the academic session 2021-22 of Kashmir DivisionViewNotification regarding tentative dates for conduct of Annual Regular,2023 Examinations for Classes 10th/11th/12thViewRe-Evaluation result notification No. 90 of SSE (Class 10th), Annual(Pvt)/ Bi-Annual 2021-22 of Kashmir Division.ViewNotification for Implementation of Textbooks published by JKBOSE by all the Private Schools affiliated with JKBOSEViewCorrection in Registration Particulars of Class 9th for the academic session 2020-21 of Kashmir Division including District Kargil.ViewExtension Notification-III regarding submission of Examination Forms of Class 10th and Examination Forms cum Renewal RR for Classes 11th & 12th, Annual Regular 2023 of UT of J&K/ UT of Ladakh.View