The school education department has authorised the Panchayat Raj Institutions (PRIs) to monitor the overall functioning of the government primary schools and winter camps in schools.
The decision has come in wake of the instructions passed by the Chief Secretary while taking a review meeting of centrally sponsored scheme Samagra Shiksha in J&K. As per the decision the local Sarpanch will be authorised to monitor the overall functioning of the primary schools in their respective areas.
From student enrollment to facilities available and from assessing the learning outcomes of students, the Sarpanch has been authorised to monitor all the school records and the attendance of the teachers in primary schools of their respective areas.
“The instructions were passed for the improvisation of different interventions in education and monitoring of primary schools by PRIs,” reads the official document.
The PRIs will also submit the monthly assessment report to the department with their remarks for bringing more efficiency in the schools.
In this regard, the Directorate of School Education Kashmir (DSEK) in an official communication has directed the concerned Chief Education Officers (CEOs) to instruct the Zonal Education Officers (ZEOs) to inform the PRIs of their zones about taking up the monitoring of Primary schools and winter camps.
The department has also formulated a monthly school evaluation tool which will be considered for the monitoring purpose.
“The PRIs shall then submit the monthly reports of school performance to concerned ZEOs for the redressal of discrepancies,” the document reads.
The CEOs have been instructed to provide a soft copy of Learning Outcome document of NCERT which has the class and age appropriate competencies and skills of children recorded. “It will help the PRIs to assess the Learning levels of students,” the document reads.
The schools have been advised to discuss the monthly school evaluation tool with PRIs in the meetings. “The schools can utilize the service of DIET faculty, Zonal Resource Groups and Education Reform Committees for the purpose,” the document reads.
The government has authorized the PRIs to take the attendance of the staff in schools besides monitoring the total number of working days attended by the staff members.
“The PRIs will also take note of the leaves availed by the teacher in the previous month besides the late marks of the previous months as well,” the document reads.
The government has further authorised the PRIs to monitor the overall classroom environment and academic activities besides the space available for students.
“Besides monitoring early child care education in pre-primary classes the PRIs will also monitor the notebooks maintained by the students. The PRIs will also check the institutional plan, school records and village education register,” the document reads